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Us der alemannische Wikipedia, der freie Dialäkt-Enzyklopedy

Die Dokumentation für dieses Modul kann unter Modul:URIutil/urn/Doku erstellt werden

local Serial = "2021-11-21"
--[=[ URIutil/urn
mw.loadData() table with URN namespaces and resolvers

return {
resolver = {
    nbn = {
        [":"] = "^(%a+)[%-:]",
        at  = {
            ["*"] = "https://resolver.obvsg.at/$1" },
    --  ch  = de
        de  = {
            dnb   = "https://nbn-resolving.de/$1",
            halle = "https://digital.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/urn/$1",
            kiel  = "https://dibiki.ub.uni-kiel.de/resolver?urn=$1",
            miami = "https://miami.uni-muenster.de/resolver/$1",
            mdz   = "https://www.mdz-nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn=$1",
            ["*"] = "https://nbn-resolving.de/$1" },
        fi  = {
            ["*"] = "https://urn.fi/$1" },
        nl  = {
            ["*"] = "https://resolver.kb.nl/resolve?urn=$1" },
        no  = {
            ["*"] = "https://urn.nb.no/$1" },
        se  = {
            ["*"] = "https://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=$1" },
        si  = {
            ["*"] = "https://www.dlib.si/details/$1" },
        ["*"] = "https://nbn-resolving.de/$1"
    isbn = true,
    issn = true
sns = ":3gpp:cablelabs:cgi:clei:dgiwg:dvb:ebu:epc:epcglobal:example:fdc:fipa:geant:ietf:iptc:isan:isbn:iso:issn:ivis:lex:liberty:mace:mpeg:nbn:nena:newsml:nfc:nzl:oasis:ogc:ogf:oid:oipf:oma:pin:publicid:s1000d:schac:service:smpte:swift:tva:uci:ucode:uuid:web3d:xmlorg:xmpp:",
failsafe = Serial