
Us der alemannische Wikipedia, der freie Dialäkt-Enzyklopedy

alemannisch[ändere | Quälltäxt bearbeite]

RCBot isch en zwüschesprochlig schaffende Bot wo vom Richie bruucht wird um em z'hälfe mit Ufgabe wo mit dr Allmänd (Wikimedia Commons) ztue het. Dr Bot isch no in Entwicklig und Usprobierphase. Drumm gib bitte Ruckmäldig uff sinere Diskussionssyte uff dr Allmänd. Beacht bitte, dass d'Diskussionssyte do nid gläse wird, bruch die uff dr Allmänd.

english[ändere | Quälltäxt bearbeite]

RCBot is an interlingually operating bot operated by Richie to help with issues related to the Wikimedia Commons. As of now, the bot is still in development and testing, so please report all encountered issues and other feedback to its talk page on the Commons. Please note that the talk page of this account is not read, use the one on the Commons). -- RCBot 19:16, 16. Apr 2005 (UTC)

RCBots Nutzerkonti in dr Wikipedia / RCBot's user accounts at Wikipedia

aa | ab | af | ak | als | am | an | ang | ar | arc | as | ast | av | ay | az | ba | be | bg | bh | bi | bm | bn | bo | br | bs | ca | ce | ch | cho | chr | chy | co | commons | cr | cs | csb | cv | cy | da | de | dv | dz | ee | el | en | eo | es | et | eu | fa | ff | fi | fj | fo | fr | fur | fy | ga | gd | gl | gn | got | gu | gv | ha | haw | he | hi | ho | hr | ht | hu | hy | hz | ia | id | ie | ig | ii | ik | io | is | it | iu | ja | jbo | jv | ka | kg | ki | kj | kk | kl | km | kn | ko | kr | ks | ku | kv | kw | ky | la | lb | lg | li | ln | lo | lt | lv | mg | mh | mi | mk | ml | mn | mo | mr | ms | mt | mus | my | na | nah | nds | ne | ng | nl | nn | no | nv | ny | oc | om | or | pa | pi | pl | ps | pt | qu | rm | rn | ro | roa-rup | ru | rw | sa | sc | scn | sd | se | sg | si | simple | sk | sl | sm | sn | so | sq | sr | ss | st | su | sv | sw | ta | te | tg | th | ti | tk | tl | tlh | tn | to | tpi | tr | ts | tt | tum | tw | ty | ug | uk | ur | uz | ve | vi | vo | wa | wo | xh | yi | yo | za | zh | zh-min-nan | zu

69 Bots in der alemannische Wikipedia (+globali)

Albambot  |  Alexbot  |  AlleborgoBot  |  Almabot  |  Amirobot  |  AvicBot  |  BenzolBot  |  BenzolBot  |  BotMultichill  |  CarsracBot  |  ChuispastonBot  |  CocuBot  |  DEagleBot  |  DirlBot  |  D'ohBot  |  Escarbot  |  FiriBot  |  HerculeBot  |  HiW-Bot  |  Holder-Bot  |  JAnDbot  |  Kasirbot  |  LinkFA-Bot  |  Loveless  |  LucienBOT  |  Luckas-bot  |  MagnusA.Bot  |  Manubot  |  MastiBot  |  MerlIwBot  |  MerlLinkBot  |  Minsbot  |  Mjbmrbot  |  Movses-bot  |  PixelBot  |  Ptbotgourou  |  Robbot  |  SassoBot  |  SieBot  |  SilvonenBot  |  Synthebot  |  Sz-iwbot  |  Terfili-bötli  |  Thijs!bot  |  TjBot  |  TXiKiBoT  |  Vagobot  |  VolkovBot  |  WikitanvirBot  |  xqbot  | 

CommonsDelinker  |  CommonsTicker  |  globali Bötli