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Us der alemannische Wikipedia, der freie Dialäkt-Enzyklopedy
Jeromy-Yu Chan (User:Yuyu)
I could have danced all night
Jeromy-Yu Chan (User:Yuyu)
(Perviously) Co-ordinator in Chief, Wikimania 2013
E pur si muove. (Galileo Galilei, 1633)

About me

I have been volunteering for this Wikipedia/Wikimedia things since 2004, as a normal editor, a head of a local chpater, in ChapCom & ComCom, and as conference organizer of Wikimania 2013. I have been away for a while, now running my own news website in Cantonese.

My work

I used to be active on Chinese Wikipedia. I am recently exploring new opportunities on Cantonese Wikipedia.

Contact me

(Only responsive to people I know in real life)